Matteo & Luca

Philosophy for Kids: Learning Through Story

Through vivid storytelling and imaginative metaphors, children are invited on an extraordinary journey into a world where wisdom and excitement intertwine.

Matteo & Luca Meet the Block Monster

In this engaging story, the Block Monster symbolizes the Pain Body, a concept from Eckhart Tolle that describes the buildup of negative emotions affecting a person’s thoughts and actions.

Join Matteo on his journey of self-discovery as he learns to observe and acknowledge the Block Monster, freeing himself from its grip.

As children explore this delightful story, they will gain valuable insights into understanding and managing their emotions. This book aims to foster emotional intelligence, self-awareness, and resilience in children, empowering them to cultivate a healthier relationship with their feelings and the world around them.

Cover of 'Matteo & Luca: Meet the Block Monster'

Decoding Matteo’s Journey

Bathed in warm sunlight, Matteo and Luca frolic carefree, their laughter echoing the joy of living fully in the present. The radiant light surrounding them symbolizes the wellspring of pure happiness that fuels their playful spirits.

Suddenly, the sun’s warmth wanes, and the light fades. An unseen presence, the Block Monster, has obscured the light and disrupted Matteo’s connection to the present. Unaware of the intruder, he struggles to make sense of the sudden shift in his emotions.

Meanwhile, Luca remains blissfully unaffected, demonstrating that the source of Matteo’s turmoil lies solely within himself.

As Matteo tries in vain to regain his happiness, the Block Monster thrives on his efforts, growing stronger and more persistent. This highlights the futility of attempting to suppress or ignore one’s emotions in the face of adversity.

Bumblebolt Rattleclank, Matteo’s robotic companion, noticed his distress and, utilizing his unique ability to perceive the unseen, crafted Block Vision Glasses. These extraordinary lenses, symbolic of awareness, grant him sight in the darkness, much like night-vision goggles. Equipped with newfound clarity, Matteo finally perceives the source of his emotional upheaval.

Mateo, Luca, and Bumblebolt

Realizing that there is no need to battle the Block Monster, Matteo watches as it gradually diminishes in size, simply by bringing it into his conscious awareness. As the creature’s influence wanes, Matteo emerges from the grips of his Blockitis, returning to his natural, carefree state.

As we cultivate greater consciousness about our emotions and their underlying causes, we can begin to detach from these patterns, making more deliberate choices in our thoughts and actions. This process liberates the mind from the limiting beliefs and negative cycles perpetuated by the Pain Body.

While children may not yet have developed all the emotional triggers present in adults, teaching them to view their emotions as separate from themselves fosters a deeper awareness and comprehension of their feelings without becoming overwhelmed. This understanding can help them effectively manage their emotions and prevent entrapment within the Pain Body as they mature.

The Characters

Portrait of Matteo


The older brother of Luca, Matteo embarks on a journey of self-discovery, learning that observing his emotions allows them to diminish, showing him that they do not define who he is.

Portrait of Luca


As the more carefree younger brother, Luca's innocence keeps him unburdened by the Block Monster, allowing him to enjoy the present moment.

Portrait of Bumblebolt


The boys' loyal robot friend, Bumblebolt is instrumental in helping Matteo face and overcome the Block Monster, aiding him in his personal growth.

Portrait of Block Monster

Block Monster

A metaphorical embodiment of dark emotions, the Block Monster casts a shadow on joy, symbolizing the stress that prevents one from fully embracing the present.

Luca sees the Block Monster

A suggested exercise

In Eckhart Tolle’s book, “A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose,” he proposes an activity that encourages children to draw a picture of their Pain Body. This creative exercise helps them better understand and recognize the Pain Body’s presence in their lives. By visually representing the Pain Body, children can more easily identify when it is affecting their thoughts and emotions.

You can use the Block Monster as a starting point, or invite your child to create their own interpretation of the Pain Body.

When you notice a surge in emotions, gently ask your child, “Has the Block Monster (or pain body) returned?” By posing this question, you can prompt the child to reflect on their feelings and evaluate if the Pain Body is active at that moment.

This practice fosters self-awareness and cultivates the child’s ability to discern the Pain Body’s impact on their emotional state and behavior.

A book in the works

Matteo and Luca embark on a philosophical adventure, exploring the idea that reality is a personal construct. They meet two whimsical characters, Knitt, a boy made of yarn, and the very rusted Ferris, who help them navigate the existential realm. Together, they go on a quest for the Golden Thread, a metaphor for the meaning of life, discovering that the path to finding purpose is a journey of personal choice and creativity.

The new characters Knitt and Ferris serve as whimsical guides on this philosophical journey, teaching Matteo and Luca, and consequently the young readers, about existentialism in an accessible way.

Knitt embodies the flexibility and creativity of constructing one's reality, while Ferris symbolizes the fixed beliefs that can limit us. The story is filled with vivid imagery, fun adventures, and gentle lessons that invite children to think about what makes them unique and how they can shape their lives. This allegorical tale speaks not only to the philosophy of existentialism but also to the importance of creativity, friendship, and personal empowerment.

Cover of 'Matteo & Luca: Meet Knitt & Feris'

Meeting Knitt: The Yarn Forest

In the Yarn Forest, Matteo and Luca encounter Knitt, who shares that each creature in this land contributes to the Great Loom by living true to its nature. Knitt symbolizes creativity and personal freedom and demonstrates how to knit different patterns, representing different life paths.

Knitt in The Yarn Forest

Meeting Feris: The Rusty Valley

Ferris Ruston represents those among us who are paralyzed by fear and insecurity. His metal composition symbolizes rigidity and reluctance to change. The rust that accrues when he interacts with water serves as a metaphor for the emotional and psychological corrosion that can result from facing one’s fears poorly.

Feris in The Rusty Valley

About the Author

I do not consider myself a teacher or guide, but I have been fortunate to work alongside several remarkable individuals who are, throughout my career. Among them, Eckhart Tolle has been the most influential and transformative figure in my life.

For a decade, I served as the primary designer and UI/UX developer for Eckhart Teachings and Eckhart Tolle TV. This immersive experience allowed me to delve deeply into his teachings, which have profoundly impacted my life. If you haven’t already, I wholeheartedly encourage you to explore his work.

Upon becoming a parent, I felt a strong desire to introduce my children to some of Eckhart Tolle’s core teachings. My hope was to provide them with the best possible foundation for a fulfilling and emotionally balanced life. This story was born out of that aspiration, and I hope it can benefit your children as well.

A special note about the characters Matteo and Luca in this story: they are named after and inspired by my real children. In creating these characters, I drew upon the unique personalities and appearances of my sons. They are the true heart and inspiration behind this tale. Observing their interactions and growth has not only been a joy but also a profound learning experience, which I've tried to encapsulate in these pages. My hope is that their essence, captured in these characters, resonates with you and your children alike.

A collection of book pages Matteo & Luca Meet the Block Monster